Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh Life

Everyone is telling me that I have to post often. Telling me not to be a 'LoRen' So even if this is boring, I hope you're all ( my 3 followers) entertained. Recently I cut Nicky & Dad's hair, and I'm quite pleased with the results, though I don't have any pictures to yet show you. SORRY LAREE! haha I'll try to get on that soon. Or maybe just take before and after pictures next time. Beauty is a definite possible future for me. Today I spent a good portion of my day at the mall collecting application. Boy does it take time filling those suckers out.. but I'm officially on a hunt. If you hear or know anything you should definitely let me know. You'd probably become my favorite (: Also recently I found a gym like two blocks from my moms house that has a monthly fee of around 20 dollars. Affordable or whaaaa?! All locals should join with me. Something else I'm pretty interested in is my NFTE class at school. Not exactly sure what that stands for but it's an entrepreneur class and it's awesome. I love going to my school and learning. I love waking up early and getting ready for the day, and getting things done. I love that my car is registered in MY name. I love cleaning the house a little everyday and having a clean house. I love trying/learning to cook haha. I love working towards definite things in my life. This is a pretty random post but My mind is on a pretty random mode. I currently have a face mask on and am about to go do crunches and then read a little bit. Sooo this post should have me off the hook for a week or two.Goodbye fellow bloggers.. Until something more interesting!


  1. Nice random post! ha ha...too bad you don't have pics of the haircuts, you have a talent with the scissors! Maybe next time.

  2. Hi Dez, it's fun to read your post. I'm glad you're diggin school. Is that mean counslor lady still there? I'm posting from Michele's computer so her name will probably come up...Dad.

  3. Hey Dad! Yeah that dumb lady still goes but I just avoid her by all means (: no big lol. I Love you!
